On a cycling saddle along the Elbe River to Bohumil Hrabal’s Region | Na Mariánské cestě
Realitní projekt roku 2023 Absolutní vítěz
Tips for day trips

On a cycling saddle along the Elbe River to Bohumil Hrabal’s Region

It is not said by accident that one of the most beautiful views of a river is from a cycling saddle. Near the bridge between Brandýs and Stará Boleslav, you can enter the Elbe River Trail, which is one of the most beautiful cycle trails in our republic – and then you can decide whether to set out in the direction of Mělník or Nymburk. We have selected the second option this time.

Riding along water has its charms. Time passes differently here and frequent refreshment stands and relaxation points invite you to sit down for a while. If you set out in the direction of Nymburk, you will come to a place near Toušeň, which directly impersonates a peaceful day at a river. By the way, it has a pertinent name: Oddechoff. Besides draught raspberry soda, you can enjoy delicious Belgian fries here.

We recommend that you cross the Elbe River right behind the stand and continue through Káraný and Labíčko settlements through the wetland area of Hrbáčkovy tůně, which is the remains of the original meandering stream of the Elbe River. If the weather is nice, you can stop at the favourite natural bathing place at Ostrá Lake.

Before you arrive in Nymburk, you will pass Hradištko and Kostomlátky floodgates. However, the floodgate situated right on Nymburk outskirts, which was finished according to architect František Roith’s design in 1924, is surely worth a visit as well.

The historical centre of Nymburk is encircled by walls, which are uncommonly built of bricks for there was not enough suitable stone for their erection in the Middle Ages.

If you do not like going back along the same route, cross the river in Nymburk and continue along the stream through the natural region of Kersko, which became famous thanks to writer Bohumil Hrabal’s prose. And if you still have time, visit the Ethnic Museum in Přerov, which shows how life in Polabí has changed from the 18th century up to the present times.

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